Published inMicrobial InstinctsThe Sitcoms Got It Wrong: Why Mumps Is No Laughing MatterThe Brady Bunch may have laughed at mumps, but the complications are no joke.10h ago210h ago2
Published inSTEM ParentingMaking Math Fun on Long DrivesA 3x5 card and a scratch sheet of paper (and maybe a calculator), and my daughter learns some basic math (and how speedometers work).1d ago1d ago
Published inThe Quantastic JournalThe History of Hantavirus and Why You’re Reading a Lot About It in 2025It’s everywhere in the news, so let me share its history along with a story of my own.3d ago123d ago12
Published inMicrobial InstinctsThe False Alarm on Rubella in Texas Was a Warning Shot — And We Should Pay AttentionKnown as “German measles,” rubella is yet another one of those viruses that gives epidemiologists nightmares.Mar 610Mar 610
I Created a Headless MacBook Pro, and I’m Digging ItThis is a whole new approach to “spatial computing.”Mar 67Mar 67
Published inThe Quantastic JournalSSRI Medications: Their History, Effects, and Current ControversiesAlong with attacks on science in general, medication for mental health disorders is being maligned. Here are some facts.Mar 49Mar 49
Published inMicrobial InstinctsMeasles Is a Big Deal, Even if You Have Never Seen a Person With ItWhy 124 cases among Texas’ 31.3 million residents is troubling.Feb 2619Feb 2619
Published inBeingWellThe Students Are Not OkayI’ve been noticing a trend in my graduate students, and it’s worrying me.Feb 265Feb 265
Analyzing Publicly Available Data on Measles in Texas and New MexicoInsights from public data gives a picture of where measles could appear next.Feb 262Feb 262