Published inSTEM ParentingUsing Old Tech to Teach My Daughter Even Older MathPreparing my daughter to not be paralyzed in the absence of a microprocessor.22h ago1122h ago11
Published inThe Quantastic JournalThere Are Cost-Effective and Science-Based Ways to Stop Drug Overdose DeathsYou don’t have to crash the economy or go to war to do something about fentanyl overdoses and deaths in the United States.2d ago112d ago11
Study Finds Vaccine Against Yawning to Be Safe and Effective in Clinical TrialsThis totally fake medicine against one of humanity’s most contagious behaviors highlights the scientific process of creating a new…4d ago14d ago1
Published inBeingWellImpostor Syndrome: Success with a Side of DoubtWe all wear masks in public. Occasionally, the masks wear us.5d ago25d ago2
Published inMicrobial InstinctsNo, Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers Aren’t Like What the Movies ShowSure, they’re scary, but your risk of catching them is low… And next to non-existent if you’re in the “Global North.”6d ago46d ago4
Published inThe Quantastic JournalWhat Is Our Responsibility to Victims of Unethical Medical Experimentation?Can we learn from other people’s suffering? Yes, but not in a way that legitimizes those who made them suffer.Jan 299Jan 299
Pubertad y cáncer de próstata: ¿Por qué importa esta etapa?Crecer no es fácil, y tampoco lo es la epidemiología.Jan 25Jan 25
Published inMicrobial InstinctsWait — Viruses Can Cause Cancer? Here’s the DealIt’s not just radiation and chemicals you should worry about.Jan 2311Jan 2311
Public Health Has Done More With Less, but This Is RidiculousIt’s going to be an interesting four years, to say the least.Jan 225Jan 225
Published inThe Quantastic JournalSo, You’re a Public Health Worker and Want to Engage with Your Community?There’s an art to telling the public what’s good and what isn’t.Jan 2118Jan 2118