How much history do you want? Water fluoridation has been a government-supported intervention since 1945. By my math, that's about 75 years of evidence. It's been naturally occurring since humans started extracting ground water for drinking.
So, if you don't mind, tell us how much history do you want? 100 years? 200 years?
"Where are the studies that speak to the changes in the pituitary gland and the associated calcification?"
You're confusing the pituitary gland with the pineal gland. It's the pineal gland that shows calcification over time, with age. And, since fluorine is one of the most abundant elements on Earth, and since it binds really well to calcium, of course fluorine is going to be found in the calcifications seen in older people's pineal glands.
All these "bad" things you might read about are for toxic levels of fluoride. Such levels are not present in drinking water.
(Pituitary gland calcification is the result of pathologic processes, none of which are caused by drinking fluoridated water.)