In Baltimore, Children Are Told to Respect the Police or Risk Being Killed

How one slide in a presentation to students clearly warns them of the risk of not conducting themselves “in a mature manner”

René F. Najera, MPH, DrPH
4 min readDec 10, 2017

Take a look at the slide being presented in this story from The Baltimore Sun:

It reads: “If you are stopped, questioned, or detained by a law enforcement official: Approach him or her with respect. Retain your composure and conduct yourself in a mature manner. Avoid any action or language that might trigger a more volatile situation, possibly endangering your life or personal well-being.” (Emphasis mine.)

Read that last part one more time… “…possibly endangering your life or personal well-being.

The Wrong Audience?

This was being told to a group of high school kids at a leadership program in Baltimore. It is interesting to me because of the language being used and the audience to whom it is being told. This is because I’ve been looking at the homicides that have occurred in Baltimore for the last 12+ years, and I’ve been keeping tabs on the crime and violence situation there as well.

In all my research, high school children who are attending leadership programs are not very…



René F. Najera, MPH, DrPH

DrPH in Epidemiology. Public Health Instructor. Father. Husband. "All around great guy."